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About Us

Meet our team

The professional background
& experience of the three founders

Timothy D. Goler

Timothy L. Tramble, Sr

Marcus F. Walton

Our Ambition

African Diaspora United aspires to expand reciprocal economic prosperity for black people, black communities, and black institutions within the United States and developed African countries. 

This will be accomplished through: 

  • Passive curated activities using the vehicles of social media, workshops, seminars, and forums 

  • An immersive experience (African American Transatlantic Fellowship)

  • Mobilization for policy advocacy & collective impact

Growth Strategy

The volunteer board will carry out limited activities of the organization until we are in the position to hire staff to execute the full strategy of the organization. The board will forge connections with representatives of developed nations of Africa to build partnerships leading to educational programming beneficial to the advancement of both African American communities and participating African Countries. 

Publications and productions will be produced that will outline social and economic circumstances of populations of the African diaspora as well as the technological advancements and economic growth trajectory of black communities. These resources will be made available on our website. Other relevant publications and productions will be linked to our website. The organization will build a strong social media presence before the launch of the inaugural African American Transatlantic Fellowship.


Percentage of Time

Business Model

We will become a partner of the State Department, as our mission aligns with its values and purpose to advance productive and mutually beneficial relationships with foreign nations. Additionally, we aspire to raise philanthropic dollars from national community, corporate and private Foundations to advance the goals of the liberation and self-supremacy of black people.

our mission aligns with its values and purpose

Our intentions are to never have attendance and/or participation in our educational gatherings based on the ability of individuals to pay. We want all of our services to be affordable to all. Membership and fees will be based on everyone’s ability to pay. Candidate selection for fellowship programs will be based on the assessed value an applicant brings to a cohort regardless of their income and/or net worth. Online resources including publications and productions (video, social media, slide presentations) will be free to the public. Fees associated with gatherings will be based on the costs associated with each activity and on our fundraising success.